Image land a fost infiinta in 2009 ca representant pe zona de nord vest a Romania a firmei Sharp ( copiatoare profesionale , monitoare pentru reclama si proiectoare) aducem toata gama de Sharp la comanda. Ne ocupam si de partea de depanare, mai suntem reprezentanti a unor marci de prestigiu cum ar fi Sandisk si Fujifilm sau mai simplu Fuji. Ne am axat in general pe partea de image and print.
Am facut unele schimbari pe parcusul anilor diversificand gama de produse aici fac referire la partea de hardwer a PC -urilor, si a sistemelor complete.
Am lucrat si lucram in continuarea pe partea de robotica industriala la instalare si depanare cutere industriale si plottere.
Cea mai mare schimbare am facut-o in 2020 ( in an de pandemie) intrând pe piata de componente electrice ( cabluri, surse de iluminat, aparataj, trasee si cel mai important casa inteligenta ) totodata deschizand un magazin cu depozit la Oradea, si lasand noul magazin online din mai 2021.
Image land was founded in 2009 as a representative on the northwestern part of Romania of the Sharp company (professional copiers, advertising monitors and projectors) we bring the entire range of Sharp to order. We also deal with the troubleshooting side, we are also representatives of some prestigious brands such as Sandisk and Fujifilm or more simply Fuji.
We generally focused on the image and print side.
We have made some changes over the years by diversifying the product range here to refer to the hardware part of PCs, and complete systems.
I have worked and continue to work on the industrial robotics side for the installation and debugging of industrial cutter and plotters.
The biggest change we made in 2020 (in the year of the pandemic) entering the market of electrical components (cables, lighting sources, appliances, routes and the most important smart home) while opening a warehouse with storage in Oradea, and leaving the new online store from May 2021.